Yup, the final...
tamz honestly you should like work for all kinds of companies making them these kinds of motion vids
no joke they're catchy and you should make one for smoking and show it to the big anti-smoking companies. they may pay you
but you're good at this. still go to college or w/e just in case but damn you should think about making more money from bigger corporations.
i would prefer to watch something like this instead of the general motivational commercials -
Awesome job!tamz honestly you should like work for all kinds of companies making them these kinds of motion vids
no joke they're catchy and you should make one for smoking and show it to the big anti-smoking companies. they may pay you
but you're good at this. still go to college or w/e just in case but damn you should think about making more money from bigger corporations.
i would prefer to watch something like this instead of the general motivational commercials
LOL, im still an amateur
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