A collection of Useful Tips for MM

Pre Mutation Stage:

1. Decide on whether to camp with everyone else

Why: Strength in numbers, 1 M4A1 < 10 M60 + 1 M4A1 :D
Why not: Random nades (now with wide nades :( ) ,Flashbangs and smokes

2. Camp/Hide alone

Why: One guy in the midst of campers get mutated = Mass gory-ass mutation :p
Why not: You might be the first victim of a mutant, while everyone else is safe and sound camping in a fort. :(

3. At the last few seconds of the countdown, press and hold the tilde [~] key. This is so that you can locate is the first mutant(s), which is where the dot(s) disappear(s) off the map. (Useful if you are camping alone.)

Why: If a dot beside you on the minimap disappears, RUN :D.
Why not: No harm anyway

4. If you have chosen to camp with everyone else, start attacking your neighbour with a knife before the timer runs out.

Why: If your lucky butt turns green, you'll have a friend :p.

Phase 1 Mutation

The first mutant has appeared! You hear that weird gory gurgling sound of a successful mutation! It's spreading! Arghh!

The Common

1. If you are camping with a large number of people, good for you. Your gamble just paid off and you won't get mutated (for now).

What to do: Stay where you are, try to coordinate your teammates (99% chance of failure)

2. If you are a lone camper, and you noticed that the main camping area hasn't yet been mutated, run there quickly!

What to do: Run like hell, spray at any mutant you see while moving there. Pray your bag has a light SMG OR has a pistol.

3. You are camping alone and you turn into a mutant. Ouch, that sucks.

What to do: Wait for the supply crates. When one comes, camp there and wait for the unsuspecting noobs to go for it. :D

4. You mass camp and all get turned into mutants

What to do: Wait for a MUTANTS WIN screen.

The Uncommon

1. You turn into a mutant and decide to mutant everyone else that is camping beside you.

What to do: Do it.

2. A mutant appears in your midst.

What to do: Push it to a corner and pin it there until it dies. Make sure some guys watch the entrance.

Mid Mutation Phase

You are happily camping with your comrades. But wait, a chopper arrives with a supply box and promises of rescue! *Cue evil music* But the mutants attack!

1. Supply boxes appear.

What to do: DO NOT go for them, UNLESS your whole team has you covered AND its really near AND you can get back easily. Kinda impossible eh? :p

2. Mutants attack

What to do: IF your whole team is shooting at it, hold your fire and chip in when they are reloading (happens 80% of the time)

IF your whole team or about half of it is wisely conserving fire, fire in bursts at its head. Remember, a head shot does MUCH more damage.

3. Mutants get in and mass gory-ass mutation occurs.

What to do: QQ (bad idea)
OR: Start running away and hiding. (My friend once took 5 seconds to completely hide from 17 mutants for 3 minutes.)

OR: Get mutated and go mutate the rest (not preferable either)

End mutation phase

1. Everyone is hunting for a mutant

What to do: keep a watch and make sure no mutants are lurking for a kill (or a nice deep claw on your ass) :)

2. Everyone is a mutant and hunting for survivors

What to do: Help out, chip in, do whatever you want, the guy won't last long anyway.

3. You are the mutant being hunted

What to do: Hide and sink you claws into a unsuspecting ass at the first chance you get

4. You are being hunted by mutants

What to do: Your best chance is to stay HIDDEN. Do not expose yourself until the last 3 seconds. If you can, don't come out at all. I've got mutated with one second left on the clock before, trust me.

Hopefully by the end of reading this guide you would either become a bit wiser or would have laughed your green ass off :D.

Will be coming up with another continuation in which contains fun stuff to do during an MM match.

Thanks for reading!
