I have a quarrel with the camo guns, and here's why...
EDIT: I never thought, maybe this should go into the suggestions forum, mods feel free to move if necessary, and sorry if this is the wrong forum!
Alright, first off, I might catch a lot of flak for my "issue" merely because it's not an issue with the guns themselves, but how the camo on the guns look. Now, some of you paintballers/airsofters/hunters/outdoors(wo)men will probably get what I'm talking about, but for everyone else, I've dug up a few pics to help explain my point!
So my main issue is the camo pattern used, the "chocolate chip" camo pattern. Although not impossible to actually get a gun to look that way, there's a much more common method of making a gun camouflaged, and in my opinion it looks better.
This method involves about 3-5 colours of paint and using natural items (leaves, sticks, ferns, that sort of thing) as stencils. Basically, you keep layering different colours and using different stencils to get a camo look. Now, I was gonna try and find some 3d models on the web and try to do them up in the way I'm suggesting, but it seems my 3DS Max skills are lacking, so here's some pics to illustrate:
M700 Rifle:


Airsoft G36

And I think you get the general idea.
Textures like this are pretty easy to set up in any sort of advanced image editing program, so c'mon Z8, lets see some work on those textures! I'm sorry this turned out to be such a long, drawn out post, but it's something I personally feel very passionate about! Heck, you send me the UV maps for the stock guns and I'll do the camo myself!
Thank you for reading!
Mods: If the pics are too big or what not, I can set them as clickable text links, just send me a PM.
Alright, first off, I might catch a lot of flak for my "issue" merely because it's not an issue with the guns themselves, but how the camo on the guns look. Now, some of you paintballers/airsofters/hunters/outdoors(wo)men will probably get what I'm talking about, but for everyone else, I've dug up a few pics to help explain my point!
So my main issue is the camo pattern used, the "chocolate chip" camo pattern. Although not impossible to actually get a gun to look that way, there's a much more common method of making a gun camouflaged, and in my opinion it looks better.
This method involves about 3-5 colours of paint and using natural items (leaves, sticks, ferns, that sort of thing) as stencils. Basically, you keep layering different colours and using different stencils to get a camo look. Now, I was gonna try and find some 3d models on the web and try to do them up in the way I'm suggesting, but it seems my 3DS Max skills are lacking, so here's some pics to illustrate:
M700 Rifle:

Airsoft G36

And I think you get the general idea.
Textures like this are pretty easy to set up in any sort of advanced image editing program, so c'mon Z8, lets see some work on those textures! I'm sorry this turned out to be such a long, drawn out post, but it's something I personally feel very passionate about! Heck, you send me the UV maps for the stock guns and I'll do the camo myself!
Thank you for reading!
Mods: If the pics are too big or what not, I can set them as clickable text links, just send me a PM.
the pictures sizes are fine
also, a huge ++++ for a very simple , short, and well written critical argument on something you find not to your liking. Many users could learn from you how to write about something they would want changed.
As for the guns, I am personally on the fence! Im not sure which way i would prefer. As for editing the files, i see that as a longshot at best. They are hidden and locked for a reason you know -
[MOD]Delaco wrote: »the pictures sizes are fine
also, a huge ++++ for a very simple , short, and well written critical argument on something you find not to your liking. Many users could learn from you how to write about something they would want changed.
As for the guns, I am personally on the fence! Im not sure which way i would prefer. As for editing the files, i see that as a longshot at best. They are hidden and locked for a reason you know
Of course I meant as a pro-bono contractor to Z8 Games! I ain't goin' lookin' for them myself :P
And thank you for the praise, I do enjoy when someone appreciates my work. I can understand you being on the fence though. I mean, I might not like them now, but when I first saw them (keeping in mind up until about a week and a half ago I hadn't played CF since March!) I thought they were pretty sharp. I think I've just seen the movie "Shooter" one too many times!
crossfireXPS: I was thinking along the same lines you were. They could set it up like, for example, you could buy a plain-as-day stock-coloured M4 for 45k GP (or however much it is) but for an extra, say, 5 or 6k gp, you could select from one or two different camo patterns to buy. And then, if you wanted both, all you had to do was go into storage, and toggle which camo pattern you wanted. Same way you can activate/deactivate IGN backgrounds and the like. And it doesn't have to be every gun either, just a select few.
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