Hey Fallen,

1. Double standard much? First off,
Keep your signature/Avatar clean, no profanity, racial material, nudity, extreme violence, or links to any other site that contains any of these things.
I don't see anything about pictures of drugs. Quote it in the rules.

The only thing in the rules that even MENTIONS drugs is specifically about speaking of committing illegal actions, at which point it lists drugs as an example.

Secondly, Famasnewb had at least 2 avatars portraying marijuana during his time as a moderator.

Nice. Really. Maybe you read over your own rules before telling others to.

We do not tolerate abuses of power by anyone MOD or even GM and if they do that enough they will be let go.
Completely false. Famasnewb and LadyShy?

People were getting IP banned for making alts after their mains were banned for blatant power abuse by LadyShy. And only GMs have the power to IP ban.

IIRC we drove the MODs to quit, through no movement of Z8's. And unless you can show us a post/announcement by a Z8 rep stating that they were released to due your own involvement, then there's no reason for us to believe otherwise.

So you're silly. I guess liars, idiots, crybabies, and life-ruiners get special privileges.

Also, I know that some idiot is going to try to close this for it being a thread about a closed thread. Well guess what, it's a completely different subject. If you actually need an explanation, then PM me ffs.


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