Making an avatar


To start make a new project with these settings

100x100 pixels is the maximum size avatars can be made for the z8games forums. And must remain under 19.5kb

Open up the image you want to edit~



Once you have your image cropped and/or selected and copied, simply copy and paste into your 100x100 psd and paste.
(Ctrl C, copies. Ctrl V, pastes.)

You can resize and move into place as needed. Then it's just a matter of wash rinse repeat.

Once you have all the images you want into your 100x100. note that layers stack in order from top to bottom on your layers panel the same way on screen. So if you want certain images to appear over others just drag the layers accordingly.

I recommend using the "save for web and devices" feature that photoshop has to get maximum control on how your image saves which could be very important if you're pushing the file size and need to fine tune the quality to fit the 19.5 req.

But otherwise just save as png, jpeg, or gif. each yield different results and choosing which one really depends on the image being saved.


If your creative you can actually do quite a bit in paint. But I'll just give a quick example on cropping an image for an avatar.

Have a blank paint open and set it to be 100x100 pixels by going image>Attributes.


Open the image you want and select the area you want. Copy and paste it into your new paint.

It's most likely going to increase the size of your 100x100, the reason I said to start at 100x100 is so you could get an idea of the size you need to reduce your picture.

Once you've got your cropped picture on its own use the "resize/skew" under image tab.

At this point paint varies from windows 7 to previous versions. Windows 7 will just let you reduce the size to a set amount of pixels and your instantly done. With previous versions this is a bit trickier.

When resizing make sure to enter the same number into both vertical and horizontal or you will distort your image. For a start just say 50 H 50 V to see how close you get. I recommend clicking ctrl Z to undo if it isn't the proper size, and repeating the process till you have it the size you want.

Once you have it as close as possible go back to image>attributes and set it to 100x100. Check to see it didn't cut anything you didn't want it to off the picture, ctrl Z if needed and repeat.

Of course feel free to add text, then save as jpeg or png and your done


Open the image you want to crop in gimp. Select it right click go image>crop to selection.

Then I suggest copying the results and opening a new file so you can set the size.


Make your new file 100x100 and paste your cropped image. Use the scale tool to drag to the size you want or set the size manually. In gimp you hold Ctrl to constrain proportions when resizing.


Click save and make sure to select the file type. Again I suggest using png, jpeg, or gif.


You can do more with gimp then paint because it has layers and comes close to doing as well as photoshop, if you don't have photoshop I would recommend getting familiar with gimp.

A little knowledge in either program can be very useful in editing pictures.

This is just the very basics explained because it was requested, if you have any more questions feel free to ask.

