Omg people fail!!!!!!!!

I was playing a game of ghost mode and heard breathing quite a few times and shot towards it and now im called a hacker. I told these people that just because they got pwned doesnt mean im hacking but they kept going on and on about how i hack when i dont. this guy even said i hacked when i saw him step out of a doorway and i killed him. From my point of view, they are noobs. but like every other noob they think they kno what they are doing so i told them to learn to play the game and after the match was over i left. some one please tell me if killing sum1 when i hear breathing or see something move if its hacking because i have NO IDEA how to hack.


  • Hmm I get called a hacker sometimes in ghostmode, I'm sure everybody with a decent score in ghostmode has been called a hacker. Get over it!
  • i got a hs on a guy who rushed me and called me a hacker! i was playing a game earlier today and just about everyone who was on Black list was spamming HACKER, what is wrong with people these days.
  • More than half the threads on these forums are similar to this one. Every time you outclass someone, their pride will not let them accept the fact that there is someone out there better than they are, so they think you hack. It's that simple.
  • Lex777 wrote: »
    More than half the threads on these forums are similar to this one. Every time you outclass someone, their pride will not let them accept the fact that there is someone out there better than they are, so they think you hack. It's that simple.

    That is so true and well said. When I first started playing GM, I sucked - both as BL & GR. I never thought people who killed me were hacking just better than me(except for obvious hackers).
    After a while of getting completely owned, I started using the forums and lo and behold there are guides on how to play!! How to be better! How to hear ghosts!
    So I read the guides and took it all on board and tried it in-game and it all worked.
    Now I get called a hacker in nearly every game I play.
    It doesnt matter that your not cheating, if they think you are they will scream it, no matter what you say.
    I was hackused last night at the begining of a GM match and I said I saw you move. The ghost said ok, I believe you...but i'm watching you. Fair enough and good sportsmanship I thought.
    For the rest of the game I just stayed around GR spawn and B site and owned the ghosts that came there. I ended up 29 - 11 and didnt get hackused once. It was a good game for me as I didnt get kicked.
    What I'm trying to say is that BL will always scream hacker when they get owned regardless of your explanation. I even had 1 ghost say that BL dont breathe, and that he was invisible even though I saw where he went!
    Take it as a compliment and if you get kicked fnd another room and own some more. :)
  • Wow please be quiet, no one cares if you can kill a ghost by hearing, its the whole point of the mode.
    Fail mode.
  • yeah, I started playing GM a lot more trying to learn and after I got good I started getting called a hacker, It happens in every match almost now, there is always some noob crying hacker. What they fail to see is that I've been playing way longer than them.
  • they are called hackers because getting hacks and using them in crossfire is the 2nd easiest thing right after buying burgers in mcdonalds......
  • Twiiist wrote: »
    Wow please be quiet, no one cares if you can kill a ghost by hearing, its the whole point of the mode.
    Fail mode.

    The mode is perfect!!! The problem are the Kidz & Noobs that play it calling haker everyone kill them....

    Pointing a ghost thank to the breath is not that hard to learn, but a lot of people is unable to do, and if someone do that, they call him haker.

    And not all know that a good GR player, (in GM) usually shoot tactical places (where ghost usually hide himself) and if after these shots you see blood, or the "crosshair" lights red, it means that the ghost is there (and with a good probability the ghost will die).
  • As simple as that : I camp .The ghosts come to me and die . So It is obvious that those ghosts Has move their ass to arrive to me , But still some of them will yell that I hack .
    Now tell me where is the point in calling me a Hacker ?

    My sig say it all : Noobs will stay noobs and die noobs . this is the answer
  • This is totally unrelated to anything...

    I love the way 'noob' is considered an insult. It's probably not funny to anyone apart from me, but let me assure you I'm having a right good giggle!