The most Epic Win you ever will see
[MOD]Giggletron wrote: »This proves that some Christians are really thick. I mean, come on.
He caught on a bit faster here, though, but still...
My Suggestions: Ak-47 Custom M110 s.a.s.s. M4A1 Masterkey MAC 10 Suppressed XM110 Spec-ops -
Lolli_Roger wrote: »This proves that some Christians are really thick. I mean, come on.
He caught on a bit faster here, though, but still...
My Suggestions: Ak-47 Custom M110 s.a.s.s. M4A1 Masterkey MAC 10 Suppressed XM110 Spec-ops
Seen that before.. the first ones funnier -
I have to disagree with you.
<Us3r[oL]> Now edit the tittle to MODs/GM's photo thread
<@[MOD]Re***> Nah, I only added Saidin, cause he's the one in charge of us all
<Us3r[oL]> Oh all right.
<bomberman> i did not
<@[MOD]Re***> He's like our head
<@[MOD]Re***> lol
<bomberman> and you are the azz
<Us3r[oL]> LOOOOL
This is a sucessful win.
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