PC Specs

I'm curious what systems all my fellow Crossfire players are rocking. Here's mine:
ASUS SATA6gb/s USB3 motherboard
8GB Gskill RAM (2x4 GB)
Sapphire Radeon 5870 1GB Video Card
AMD Phenom II Thuban 1055t x6 2.8GHz 6-core CPU
1x WD Caviar Black 1TB Hard Drive, 2x WD Caviar Blue 160GB in RAID 0
Corsair 950W PSU
ASUS 24x DVD Burner - OEM
Windows 7 Professional - OEM
ASUS 23" Monitor@1920x1080
Microsoft Media Keyboard
Logitech mouse
Sennheiser PC 350 Headset

Total cost: $1700
Built it myself two weeks ago, and I LOOOOVE it. I get around 200FPS in Crossfire, it runs Crysis Warhead at max settings and 2x AA with a solid 30FPS, and my favorite game (team fortress 2) gets 120-150 FPS.

So that's by build. What are you guys running?
