Looking for a clan

Hmmm i feel like a bit of a clan hopper right now, been in 2 clans and created 1 all in the last 2 weeks and now im looking again.

Clan history:

Diseased - joined them on my 2nd day of CF, left after about 5 days to create my own clan.

[A]narchy - clan i created myself and led for 8 weeks, didnt turn out how i wanted it to so i handed over leadership.

Charon - left after about 10 hours lol.

PubStarZ - was in for about 5 days but i had problems with my crosshair jamming up and the GM's, useless as always refuse to do their job and give support. Game was unplayable so i started farming and left PubStarZ coz i dont like to break clan rules :D

[C]ollision - Created it yesterday but i really cba to lead a clan anymore.

So here I am looking for a clan... again. KDR is 2.5 but before i started farming it was naturally 1.7. Will be first lieutenant by thursday and captain within 2 weeks.

