Domination Wars Rank List

This list contains the list of the gear, vehicles, and ranks availible.

Air Force Ranks: These ranks are for the people who choose the Air Force as their class. They are proficent in aircraft and helicopters, but are not good with assault rifles. They can use pistols good though.

Airman Basic
Airman First Class
Senior Airman (Sergeant)
Staff Sergant
Technical Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Senior Master Sergeant
Chief Master Sergeant
Command Chief Master Sergant
Chief Master Sergant of the Air Force
Second Lieutentant
First Lieutentant
Lieutentant Colonel
Brigader General
Major General
Lieutentant General
General Chief of Staff
General of the Air Force

Army Ranks: These Ranks are for the Army. The people who choose this class are good with all weapons, but they cannot fly aircraft, but they can drive ground vehicles, just not well.

Private 2
Private First Class
Staff Sergeant
Master Sergeant
First Sergeant
Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major of the Army
Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer 2
Chief Warrant Officer 3
Chief Warrant Officer 4
Chief Warrant Officer 5
Second Lieutentant
First Lieutentant
Lieutentant Colonel
Brigader General
Major General
Lieutentant General
General of the Army

Navy Ranks are for people who like to be on deck of a ship. The Navy are good with Most weapons, and can drive boats and ships. Also, the Navy Seals/Coast Guard are chosen by the leader of the faction.

Seaman Recruit
Seaman Apprentice
Petty Officer 3rd Class
Petty Officer 2nd Class
Petty Officer 1st Class
Chief Petty Officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer
Command Master Chief Petty Officer
Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer
Force Master Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer 2
Chief Warrant Officer 3
Chief Warrant Officer 4
Chief Warrant Officer 5
Lieutentant Junior Grade
Lieutentant Commander
Rear Admiral (lower half)
Rear Admiral (upper half)
Vice Admiral
Admiral Chief of Naval Operations
Fleet Admiral (This Will be chosen by the leader of the faction.)