[Important] - For those who are having trouble signing up for CSN
Step 1: Individual Account Registration - Register Here
Step 2: Team Leader must create a team and members must join that team - Create/Join A Team
Step 3: Once a minimum of 5 members have joined your team, team leaders can come here Event Sign-Up to sign up for the event
Step 4: Every member, after signing on to the team, must come here and click "Register Now" to join the Tournament roster - Register Now
Step 2: Team Leader must create a team and members must join that team - Create/Join A Team
Step 3: Once a minimum of 5 members have joined your team, team leaders can come here Event Sign-Up to sign up for the event
Step 4: Every member, after signing on to the team, must come here and click "Register Now" to join the Tournament roster - Register Now
Do the players on your team have to be in your clan? Or can you get ringers?
Just make sure you have the correct roster registered on the CSN website. As long as they are on the CSN roster, you'll be okay. Also have you Team Leader fill this out accurately:
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