New BP Gun - Please. Also: Suggestions?

I made a thread about this once and it was pretty successful but I didnt really have any ideas about a potential new BP gun.

Basically, 30% of the crossfire population probably wants a new gun. A lot of us have the Ak-silver and/or M4-Silver and have no desire for any other BP stuff. I myself have 12k bp and nothing to spend it on. So what should the new Bp gun be?

I know that the H&K Usp is supposed to be coming out soon, and I think there should be some sort of Silenced, or Advanced, or Silver, or (if it is silver) Black version of it avaliable for Bonus Point purchase.

Or how about that AN-94 everyone has been dying for?

Semi-off topic, not really a potential bonus gun:

What I'd love is some sort of scoped, low rate of fire assault rifle
The Ak-scope is a good example of this I guess, But I mean slower RoF and an actual


Anyone have any ideas or suggestions of what gun they should add to BP mall?
