lol ok
how do you change the letter color by the way?
User cp>Edit options( under the setting and options side menu)> go to the section thats titled "Miscellaneous Options">In the "Message Editor Interface" Theres a scroll down box> pick"Standard Editor = Extra Formatting Controls"
Then when you reply to a thread/someone you'll see a big A with a arrow pointing down on it, click on that arrow and pick your colour and type your message. -
User cp>Edit options( under the setting and options side menu)> go to the section thats titled "Miscellaneous Options">In the "Message Editor Interface" Theres a scroll down box> pick"Standard Editor = Extra Formatting Controls"
Then when you reply to a thread/someone you'll see a big A with a arrow pointing down on it, click on that arrow and pick your colour and type your message.
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