Teamwork on Elimination

Just wondering, what are the best team strategies on Elimination (not that anyone ever uses teamwork :P ) in your opinion. Here's mine:

Have some people grab M4A1, AK47 and PSG1. They will distract the passage to the left. The M4A1 and AK47 draws fire and the PSG1 will put some nasty holes in them. If the enemy gets too close, they can fall back to their weapon place, and repeat the process. Meanwhile people go right and take stuff like K2, XM8, AUG, AWM and M60. These people will need to be quick and go around. Whilst the other fireteam is slowing down the enemy, the rest of the team can go around and shoot them from behind with their longer range guns. I have done stuff like this many times and often it works (or at least gets loads of kills.) I reckon the PSG1 is the most useful weapon on this map, as if protected will make real mess of enemies.
