Need help!!

Hey! I'm planning on asking this girl to homecoming dance, and I was thinking of making a video.. But I am bad at making videos, so I need you guys help to make me one asking her! This is how I want it to be set up.

First slide: Hey Ali!!!
Second: Its Alex,
third: so Ive been thinking lately...
Fourth: and I was wondering,
fifth: will you go to homecoming with me??
Sixth: I hope you say yes!

Extra details. None of ur intros or "edited by..."
prefer colors of red and gold
her favorite song is "love the way you lie" by eminem and rhiana
I'd like the song in there please!!
Make it look good please! This is really important.
I'd like to have I sometime this week.
If u could send me the video in an email, that way I can upload it.

I'd really appreciate it!!!! And if anyone can make it I'd be so happy!!
