Hacking.. yeah another one

OK i just got back from a break from this game when i played combat arms with my friend... and it has changed to say the least. First of all there actually appears to be more hackers than combat arms, almost every game. Not to mention that i get lottoed alot now becasue for some reason my hitbox is seriously messed up, but thats beside the point. HGW doesnt seem to work because there is a ton of hackers and now its doing what gameguard used to do... I was playing Downtown and an aimbotter came on, after 2 rounds i asked for his team to kcik him and then the game closed saying hack detected. I have never hacked though I accidentally glitched in tranquilty (wallclimb, was trying to jump roof to roof and got stuck under people). Why did it say this? am I going to be banned? There have been numerous client errors since the incident.
