Improve Reaction Time Dramatically.

I've seen many a guide covering AK, AWM, M4A1, Or GM PinPointing. Just seemed to never find a guide for reaction time.

What Is a Reaction?

Reaction: A response to some foregoing action or stimulus. In more understandable word a sudden response to an action/sensation.

Why Is Reaction Time So Important?

Cross Fire is known mainly for it's fun and fast paced gameplay. If you may have ever played any other Fps or even a racing game of some sort reaction time is the most important skill you can improve on or acquire. For Example, you are being closed in upon by two players from two different sides...Getting one of them just won't cut it (Unless it's a scrim ofc) and In order to get both of them you will need a decent reaction time. Even if those 2 players don't have the best reaction time It won't matter because they have the advantage of numbers over you. Which is up to you to change that outcome. Thus comes your Reaction.

Video examples of reaction time: (Ik they're completely different modes & weapons but the reaction factor still remains.)

Bad Reaction.

Decent Reaction.

Perfect Reaction.

Now that you have some concrete examples of reaction time.

Exactly how do I improve my reaction time?

Their happens to be a simple yet difficult training game that focuses on this exact subject. The game has 3 sections to choose from. Fast Aiming, (Ideal for Sniping.)Exact Aiming, (Ideal for Sniping and Rifling.)Lastly Press Reaction.(Which molds you to perfect the exact time you need to fire.) The game trains the connection between your brain, to your eyes, then to your precise movement with your hands to fire.

(This game focuses 100% on FPS game reaction time.)

Remember Rome wasn't built in a day & Practice makes perfect. So practice. Maybe do this for 15-30 minutes a day. Heck! even go as far as an hour if you feel your up to it.

Don't worry you'll have your own free arsenal of aimbots soon enough ;)

Thx for Reading. Hope It helped :)
