Help me plis with my lagg !!!
ok , so heres the deal im having tons of deaths cuz im laggy , my ping is decen wich is 70-90 but still with that i seem to shoot ppl and hit them (even blood cames out and the crosshair turns red ) but no dmg is counted , myfps varies a lot and idk if thats the problem it may spike from 20 to 60 - im tired of this and i want some sugesstions plis , and plis dont tell me to use gamebooster cuz i already use it ok ill wait for ur answers =D
You are not lagging with the ping you stated. It's the other people that you are shooting that are lagging. My suggestion, when joining a match, look at everyones ping. For example if the majority of the people have over 150 ping then you know to put a few extra bullets into them lol or use a noob cannon. That's how i deal with laggers for the most part.
xXiMESSIXx wrote: »plis help me i really need it , soz cuz my english ...
Fine, Programs i recommend:- GameBooster
- Game Accelerator 9.2
- Ccleaner
- AntiVirus Scan
- System Defrag
- Regedit TCP Changes (Information below)
"1 - TcpAckFrequency - NOTE if you are running Windows Vista this setting may not have any effect - a hotfix is needed which i'm tracking down. This works fine under Windows XP
Type "regedit" in windows "run.." dialog to bring up registry menu
Then find:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\
There will be multiple NIC interfaces listed in there, find the one you use to connect to the internet, there will be several interfaces listed (they have long names like {7DBA6DCA-FFE8-4002-A28F-4D2B57AE8383}. Click each one, the right one will have lots of settings in it and you will see your machines IP address listed there somewhere. Right-click in the right hand pane and add a new DWORD value, name it TcpAckFrequency, then right click the entry and click Modify and assign a value of 1.
You can change it back to 2 (default) at a later stage if it affects your other TCP application performance. it tells windows how many TCP packets to wait before sending ACK. if the value is 1, windows will send ACK every time it receives a TCP package.
2 - TCPNoDelay
This one is pretty simple (Discussed here)
Type "regedit" in windows "run.." dialog to bring up registry menu
Then find:
Right-click in the right hand pane and add a new DWORD value, name it TCPNoDelay, then right click the entry and click Modify and assign a value of 1.
Click Ok and close the registry editor, then reboot your PC.Do not make any other changes to your regeditHope this information helped you.
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