Equip yourself as GR in GM

I assume you already read and knew how to pin point basically from Shandy's topic. Here is some extra helps for GR at GM:
- Buy M4A1 Silencer. Very helpful for listening breath
- Buy bullet proof. Extremely helpful, ghost with knife wont kill u by headshot at first stab( in some case it will). It means u got another chance to kill them.....
- Buy fast defuse/planting.... No need to tell.
- Buy a SPOP. Make up yourself look sexy with that SPOP ( dont put the stupid sport.hat halloween....thing on ur head......). Ghost might want to stab your b.o.obs or ur azz instead of your head and that would save your life.

Lmao, i'm sry jk on that last one...lol
And don't blame me about all that costing money.....It's just extra help. You can totally do it very good without any of those above. You dont need to spend Zp to hear breathing from Ghost.....
So, that's all

P/S: Im bored cuz I can't get in game( Game conflicting issues.........). That's why blah blah on here too much lately.....hic hic
