How to know where the bomb is planted.

Do you ever find yourself in between 2 sites in SnD mode and you arent quite sure where the bomb has been planted?

For example: The bomb is planted on Black Widow and you are on the GR Side stuck somewhere in mid, there is an easy way to figure out what site the bomb has been planted if you are not sure.

Instead of guessing the site (that could take up alot of time if you guess wrong), all you have to do is press the "~" key, next to the 1 on your keyboard. It pops up a mini map of the game and if the bomb is planted the site will glow red.

Not many people know about this but it helps alot, and could be the difference whether you get to the site fast enough to defuse or not.

Without Bomb Planted:


With Bomb Planted:


Probably shoulda used the same map, but you see what i mean- When the bomb is planted it glows red.

A very simple guide, i hope it helps some people :]

Note: It doesnt ALWAYS work- it works about 90% of the time (Not sure why it doesnt work sometimes)
