Need a small favor (very easy)
Can somebody resize this image for me please
I'm on my droid atm with no computers nearby and it's pretty difficult to resize things on a phone.
It just has to meet avatar specifications which is 100x100 but if you would be kind enough to keep its ratio that would be nice.
Just post the link to the image here if you are nice enough to help me out!
I'm on my droid atm with no computers nearby and it's pretty difficult to resize things on a phone.
It just has to meet avatar specifications which is 100x100 but if you would be kind enough to keep its ratio that would be nice.
Just post the link to the image here if you are nice enough to help me out!
TheAeroTheory wrote: »Can somebody resize this image for me please
I'm on my droid atm with no computers nearby and it's pretty difficult to resize things on a phone.
It just has to meet avatar specifications which is 100x100 but if you would be kind enough to keep its ratio that would be nice.
Just post the link to the image here if you are nice enough to help me out!
Raptor_Munzta wrote: »
Well, as I can't upload pictures DIRECTLY from my phone and also can't use anything that requires AdobeFlash.. that won't work. I just asked a favor for somebody with a computer to do it for me as I don't want to waste hours trying to figure out how to resize it when somebody can do it in 10 seconds. -
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