Clan problems

I cannot create or apply for a clan--for no apparent reason. When I try to create a clan I hit accept. Then I type in my desired clan name, tag, and description. Then I accept the 5,000 GP charge from my account and to follow the rules and guidelines.

I hit the create button and nothing happens, right below the create button is some yellow text that says "Please login". Even though I'm already logged in.

And my rank is over staff sergeant and I have over 30,000 GP in my account.

Now when I try to apply for a clan - I search and click on the clan I want to join press the apply button then it takes me to a login page even though I'm already logged in.

So I just try to log in again, I put in my username and password click login and it blanks out the form's fields it doesn't give me any error message like it would if it were incorrect it just blanks out the fields.