I Can't Start My XFire... Someone Help!!!!

Well, I go To start my Xfire but nothing happens so I'm wondering..... what's going on?! so then i go to start Xfire again, but this time a message comes and says '' Patch Client Is Already Running'' I'm so confused someone help me pl0x. BTW I haven't played Xfire for two whole days I'm really annoyed!


  • ummmm
    first, xfire is not a good term for cross fire, sense there actually is a program called Xfire...
    just say Cf to avoid confusion.
    Sec, Sounds like the patch client is not initializing fully. id ether give it an extra 30 secs or so to see if the status bar ever pops up... if not, it could be something as simple as a fire wall issue.... if u dont know how to look into that.. I suggest re-downloading the client. (crossfire)