Virus in gamegaurd PLZ HELP
ok.. here is what happened
i play cf and i got bored so i wanted to try metin 2
i downloaded it opened it and then closed it cuz my clan was doing a clan match
i go to open up cf, then the gameguard loading thing comes up.. its all fine... all of the sudden avg gos crazy and says it has a virus called themida in game guard... in the file called gamemon.. i deleted the file but it comes back when i load up the game cuz its needed to update gameguard... ive reinstalled the game... idk wat to do.. its deleted atm because i dont want a virus on my comp... plz help me out.. I DONT HACK EITHER.... some one said its used in hacks? and i dont hack or have hacks on my comp... hacking is for nubs
i play cf and i got bored so i wanted to try metin 2
i downloaded it opened it and then closed it cuz my clan was doing a clan match
i go to open up cf, then the gameguard loading thing comes up.. its all fine... all of the sudden avg gos crazy and says it has a virus called themida in game guard... in the file called gamemon.. i deleted the file but it comes back when i load up the game cuz its needed to update gameguard... ive reinstalled the game... idk wat to do.. its deleted atm because i dont want a virus on my comp... plz help me out.. I DONT HACK EITHER.... some one said its used in hacks? and i dont hack or have hacks on my comp... hacking is for nubs
i know
i know but i did fix it
if this happens to you! follow my steps
1. open up avg
2. go to tools
3. click advanced settings
4. click the plus next to resident shield (only if there is a plus, if not ur good)
5. click exceptions
6. click add path
7. Click on these my
- my computer
- local disk c
- program files
- z8 games or suba games (depends how old ur game is)
- crossfire
- game guard
8. click ok and ur done!!!
im so good
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