A Small Rant about ZP! Can you help me out z8?

Well, last week, I sent 30.90Euro to ClickandBuy via bank transfer (aka, REALLY SLOW). Infact, it just cleared yesterday. Now, you must be wondering what my rant is about.

LAST WEEK, for 50000ZP, the price was 42.99USD which was valued at 30.90Euros. AS OF THIS MOMENT, it still costs 42.99USD, but is converted into 31.10Euros! TWENTY BLOODY CENTS MORE! Apparently, USD got stronger over the weekend. :(

So, I'm at a crossroads here (no pun on Crossfire hehe). I have a few options that I could follow through.
-Should I buy the two 20000ZP packages (25.30 Euros leaving me with 5.60 which isn't enough for 10kZP), and send abit more money to cover the cost of another 20000ZP in the meantime.
-Wait it out, and pray USD takes a hit in value, or Euro gains value?
-Send 00.20Euros and wait a week LOL

Now, I know Z8 is not at fault here, it's the bloody economy. But!!!! Is it possible the guys at Z8 do some kind of weekend sale on z8Points? I don't know, I guess 5% would cut it.

As I'm here writing this, I reliazed what a massive unintentional fail I've commited. I let myself get kicked in the groin by the global economy.

Feel free to leave suggestions, lols, fail comments, and funny stories!

PS. Z8, do you think a weekend sale is possible? It would save me alot of time from waiting. No, I don't have a credit card availalbe to me, otherwise I would have used it. :(
