Crossfire is too easy



  • 69ToGetHer wrote: »

    Also, 90% of the community has 0 talent because for some reason, these kids don't know how to aim and allow me to spray them.

    talking about brazilians??
  • 69ToGetHer wrote: »
    Did you not read about the fact that SA requires more skill and strategies than crossfire?
    I simply just said i like a quicker respawn -.-
    For me to clan match, i must like the gameplay first and spray and pray is just too rigged in this game for me to even want to clan match. i alrdy know that crossfire is way noobier than SA. of course there are pros, but no way are they close to the pros of SA.
    Fact? No, the thread seems pretty divided on which is better. Having no experience with SA myself, I can't draw conclusions from split responses.

    Spray can be controlled in this game pretty interestingly (jumpshots are possible), but I think that adds a different element to gameplay.

    I believe SA is older than CF NA though, so you can't compare the playerbases. That's just stupid.
  • Maybe you should check this out:
    (He is a total pro!)

    Doesn't it feel like looking into a mirror?
  • Playing in public matches are only for 1) Ranking up 2) Daily Missions 3) Warming Up 4) Playing Around/Fooling Around. No one actually plays the game for public matches, so stop complaining. Play the game, find a team. I'm pretty sure most people play this game for scrims/Clan wars.
    + You also said if someone calls you a hacker in SA, its most likely a brazilian. In CrossFire, we have our own HUGE foreign part of our community. Perhaps, you are only playing the half brained brazilians in public matches?
  • 69ToGetHer wrote: »
    Did you not read about the fact that SA requires more skill and strategies than crossfire?
    I simply just said i like a quicker respawn -.-
    For me to clan match, i must like the gameplay first and spray and pray is just too rigged in this game for me to even want to clan match. i alrdy know that crossfire is way noobier than SA. of course there are pros, but no way are they close to the pros of SA.

    Strategy is strategy, no matter the game...
    Skill plays a huge part in every game as well, and spray and pray is easy enough to get around if you know what you are doing and can actually aim, I regularly take out M12 noobs in this game with my handgun.
    If you like SA so much then that is your opinion and you are welcome to it.
  • The guns are too easy? I agree that some guns are OP compared to others, but you can always try not to use the "easy" guns.
  • The guns are too easy? I agree that some guns are OP compared to others, but you can always try not to use the "easy" guns.

    play some Combat Arms, then rethink what you say
  • Sudden Attack requires skill? I laughed. You probably play ransoms and think you're good. If you don't like this game, we aren't going to foow you around ans beg for you to come back.
  • 69ToGetHer wrote: »
    I know koreans have korean crossfire.. said this a billion times but its a dead game in korea
    also, sudden attack is even newer than crossfire in north america and sudden attack is nowhere as big as crossfire in north america (which is why im sorta depressed)

    give me a youtuber thats pro at rifling at crossfire..
    srsly i dont think theres such a thing as a pro rifler in this game

    Your bad.
    Having cool youtube videos means your good?
    1V1s prove something?
    Your depressed over a game, and your still trash at it which is kind of weird.

    And who are you?
  • 69ToGetHer wrote: »
    I know koreans have korean crossfire.. said this a billion times but its a dead game in korea
    also, sudden attack is even newer than crossfire in north america and sudden attack is nowhere as big as crossfire in north america (which is why im sorta depressed)

    give me a youtuber thats pro at rifling at crossfire..
    srsly i dont think theres such a thing as a pro rifler in this game

    no pro rifler?
    Did you ever looked around?
    There are enough Pro's e.g RaGe or MaKaD
    This game has enough Pros but the problem is that its hard to find them :)
    btw what happened to GhostMode?
    got kicked 5 times in a row