The Forumers Games

Somebody on IRC suggested this:

<******> wait. so forumers rooms are gonna be organzied in IRC?

<******> they should be
<******> people don't use irc
<******> :/
<******> rather than spamming the forum with thread after thread about Forumer Games
I guess I’ll be the one to make the thread.

UserK had this idea, and him and I created some of the more recent, “Forumers Games”. Basically, Forumers Games are small pub games that are passworded, and are made especially for forumers. We don’t mind if you aren’t a forumer, but you will be kicked if you break a rule.

Just post in this thread if you are interested. All hosts are welcome, and the bigger the variation, the better! You do not have to apply to become a host, and host jobs are completely voluntary and no one is forcing you to host.
When you are done hosting a game, if you can edit your post (within 45 minutes), we would appreciate you editing out your information with the following: “The forumer sgame is over.”
If not, we will get the point after a little bit.

If you are a UK host, host the room in UK 3 Channel 7.

Correspondingly, if you are an NA host, host the room in Echo Channel 7.
If there are any West Coast hosters, you can host the room in West Coast Server Channel 7.

Use this set up in game:
Room Name: Forumers Game
Universal Forumers game password: kewl
Set Ups: It can be a full out 16 man room (8v8), or a competitive based 10 man room (5v5). It is your choice if you would like to add Spectators, at the risk of people “ghosting”.

Use this set up to post in this thread:
Your IGN (people will have this to back up on if they cannot find room):
Location (NA, UK, or West Coast):
Room Mode (SnD, GM, TDM, EM, etc…):
Server – Channel 7 – Room #:

Banned guns/items(It is recommended you keep this empty, as this game is only for fun):

I am just trying to help out, and trying to make this community better.

1. No trash talking. It is a fun game, so why would anyone have the needs or wants to hate on another player?
2. Follow Cross Fire default rules (no hack tools, no glitching, etc.).
3. The host may not kick anyone from the room during the Ready Up part of the game.
4. You may kick in game, but every player must know why and accept. Note: We cannot control your kicking habits, but kicking in game for a bad reason just gives a bad name on you.
5. Forumers must tell others who they are. If you come on an alt and break a rule, you will be kicked.
So, have fun!

This thread is not for discussion.

Port: 5942
Pass to the ventrilo & channel Is kewl


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