Clan points glitched?
Me and a couple of friends made a clan 2 days ago.
The clans name is *The-Fallen* the issue is that the leader *Anti and the two lieutenants me ( *CF-_-Blade* ) and *Bellas clan points arent going toward clan.
i have 14 clan points bella has 27 and *Anti has 17 yet it sais the clan oly has 5 clan points.... I think that our clan points might be glitched and that theyre not counting towards clan. If a mod could help me in this situation i would be very greatful.
The clans name is *The-Fallen* the issue is that the leader *Anti and the two lieutenants me ( *CF-_-Blade* ) and *Bellas clan points arent going toward clan.
i have 14 clan points bella has 27 and *Anti has 17 yet it sais the clan oly has 5 clan points.... I think that our clan points might be glitched and that theyre not counting towards clan. If a mod could help me in this situation i would be very greatful.
Bladestalken wrote: »Me and a couple of friends made a clan 2 days ago.
The clans name is *The-Fallen* the issue is that the leader *Anti and the two lieutenants me ( *CF-_-Blade* ) and *Bellas clan points arent going toward clan.
i have 14 clan points bella has 27 and *Anti has 17 yet it sais the clan oly has 5 clan points.... I think that our clan points might be glitched and that theyre not counting towards clan. If a mod could help me in this situation i would be very greatful.headshot0262 wrote: »hey, same thing with my clan, our points dont go up, so maybe its not just you
no, it is because your points on the member list dont count for overall points until the points update everyday (10p.m. pacific time). this happens to everyone but you dont notice it unless you have like 5 members lol. so add up the points ur clan has right now (adding up the points from the member list) and compare them to your clan point total tomorrow i bet they will be the same... -
Bladestalken wrote: »Because i got clan points yesterday too so did Bella and *Anti. But today none of our points counted towards clan. Only the points of the normal members counted so yeah for sum reason our points aren't being counted...
u sure u got them i mean when u logged of did u get the 500xp -
Yes im sure plus its not only me its 4 ppl in the clan.
The other ppls clan points are working fine.
I really would like a mod to take a look at this because im really active and all those clan points just going to waste sucks
You can even search up my clan and check it shows that i have 13 clan points *Anti has 17
and *Bella has 25 but yet it sais the clan has only gathered 5 clan points....
its really really lame.
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