Clan MiBr
hello everyone,
we made in the last 1-2 days a clanwar vs. MiBr.... first we loose because of obtrusive hacking of MiBr clan....we're gettin pwned by hacks :-s.
in the next day we made a cw again vs MiBr before the match starts all of them LOL arround and worte some ip's like 207.***.xx.xx we're wondering why they worte ip's in regular chat and always axoaxoaxoaxo shshshshshshshs phraze like this or =D ,
OK the fight starts, we know they're use cheats but we wanna try to own them.....and let they come.
1st half we win, and after the 1st half, thats the POiNT!!! ALWAYS THE BEST PLAYER of us is disconnected from server and we lost the game.
is this a new cheat (like vip) or a nuke ??? i know they trace the ip's now and can choose the player of other team to kick, how is that possible ?
Sorry 4 my poor & bad english but its just a warning 4 all clans who play vs this ..........!!!!
best regards
we made in the last 1-2 days a clanwar vs. MiBr.... first we loose because of obtrusive hacking of MiBr clan....we're gettin pwned by hacks :-s.
in the next day we made a cw again vs MiBr before the match starts all of them LOL arround and worte some ip's like 207.***.xx.xx we're wondering why they worte ip's in regular chat and always axoaxoaxoaxo shshshshshshshs phraze like this or =D ,

OK the fight starts, we know they're use cheats but we wanna try to own them.....and let they come.
1st half we win, and after the 1st half, thats the POiNT!!! ALWAYS THE BEST PLAYER of us is disconnected from server and we lost the game.
is this a new cheat (like vip) or a nuke ??? i know they trace the ip's now and can choose the player of other team to kick, how is that possible ?
Sorry 4 my poor & bad english but its just a warning 4 all clans who play vs this ..........!!!!
best regards
erm ?
mibr [ made in brasil] in cs is pro
maybe u played against pro's .. oh wait there are almost no pro's in cf.
wall - text by brasillians when they kill you or when they laugh xaxoxaxo or jajaja .. irritating. x'D
sure they are pro's lol i play 15 years ego's im listed in SL Top5 and play 3 years in esl hmmmm ok im a newbie... rofl...
i watched the replays.... uhhhmmm yes they are "pro's" -
re-read my post.. it was sarcastic.
you play 15 years , and your english is still not good enough.
if u play wolfenstein in a clan wich ppl dont talk english.... yes still not good...but who cares my bad english or my own language ???? weapons use all the same language but my is most louder :P
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