lPaRaDoXl Join Now if you see yourself in a scrim team during the tournament

Hello it's cOpe_ just reminding you guyz that plenty of clans are looking for new skilled members and sadly even hackers to participate in the clan tourney, as we are looking for more people to play in our scrim team and would love having an extra player or 2 make us look good. If you have any questions just PM me, iTwAsLucK, or ComeClarityy on the forums. You will first be tryed out in a 1v1 against iTwAsLucK, DAC1337, ComeClarityy, lolocaust, or *deathstrke*. Then you will be watched and observed in a Scrim.

You will need Ventrilo mic is preferred but as long as you know whats going on during a scrim you're okay.
