zp guns
i don't know why they have the zp guns like m4 costom and m4adv i don't see the point so old school players like myself who just has a k2 gets screwed out cause of other players spending money just to get better guns while people like myself cant play S&D now becase some1 has spent money on guns with more amo and a silencer so they get an advantage i dont like it others do this is my opinion plz don't be a noob about it
HUNTINGDRONE wrote: »Yeah I do think they spend too much time trying to crank out new guns just so they can rake in money instead of actually improving the problems with the game, but it's their game and my choice to play it or not.
Ya, I was gunna quit CF to play SF cuz' the MODs ther accually CARE about the playerrs... -
HUNTINGDRONE wrote: »The ZP guns really aren't better. I can't think of the last time I got killed only because someone was using them, nor did I notice that those guns made me play better. Also, the people that do spend like $300 are paying for the servers and updates.
yea but for example some1 with a ak47 is one on one with some1 with who has a ak-47 scope who has the advanage scope every time upclose hes got more amo and far away hes got scope
No because the scopes are absolutely useless. I aim far better not using the scope on the M4C then with it. And if you're up close, it doesn't take 30 shots to kill someone, well at least I hope it doesn't. 5 or 8 rounds won't make a difference, it's all in your head. -
HUNTINGDRONE wrote: »No because the scopes are absolutely useless. I aim far better not using the scope on the M4C then with it. And if you're up close, it doesn't take 30 shots to kill someone, well at least I hope it doesn't. 5 or 8 rounds won't make a difference, it's all in your head.
HUNTINGDRONE wrote: »I know it's your opinion, I was arguing my point that you shouldn't feel "screwed out" because some people like to spend money on a game they enjoy.
What a load of rubbish.
k2\m4 are 2 of the best weapons in the game (IMO)
i can easily scrim against people using the zp weapons, silencer is the only advantage they have. The weapon stats are basically the same.
The scopes are useless because you dont lose accuracy by not using them.
Also 30 bullets gives you more then enough bullets to waste whoever your fighting and find cover to reload, the extra bullets in the zp guns are hardly used. Ive been using a ak camo i got from the 1 zp crate i bought from the free survey zp, and never have needed the extra bullets it has. -
i don't know why they have the zp guns like m4 costom and m4adv i don't see the point so old school players like myself who just has a k2 gets screwed out cause of other players spending money just to get better guns while people like myself cant play S&D now becase some1 has spent money on guns with more amo and a silencer so they get an advantage i dont like it others do this is my opinion plz don't be a noob about it
I can understand where the mods are coming from... I mean, they're trying to keep a game that's not too popular afloat in a recession... hard work if you ask me, and they're doing a good job
But I can't relate to you guys very well because I'm a vehement ZP buyer :P
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