¯–_–¯Clan: BurnZaGonja* Is Recruiting Members ! ¯–_–¯

¯–_–¯Clan: BurnZaGonja* Is Recruiting Members ! ¯–_–¯

Welcome !!! :D:D:D

Clan: BurnZaGonja*
Link: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=32403
Rank: 1503
Members: 10

Here's some rules for the ones who want to apply:

*Smoke weed. If you dont smoke weed, you have to be cool with other people who do smoke it, or you wont get along with most of us.

*The applicent MUST have more kills than deaths.

*If you are a hacker you WILL be kicked. Hacking makes the game sh!tty !
So plz dont do it !

*This is the most important rule of all (They have to be nice people, if they are anoying or are ass-holes they will be kicked)

If your going to apply you must read all the posts, so please read them ALL !

Greetz: ZzxvVvxzZ(LT) / _-*Gonja*-_(L) / -NEXZIK-(LT) (BurnZaGonja*)

