CF and firewall
if people cant get there CF to run because there firewall/anti-virus is blocking it heres how to fix that
1. Open your anti-virus and click TOOLS, on the sub menu of tools click ADVANCED SETTINGS.
2. a new window will pop up with names look for the one that says RESIDENT SHEILD it will have a + next to it click the + now on the sub menu it will have advanced settings and exceptions click EXCEPTIONS.
3. now once you click exceptions a box will appear in the middle with 5 buttons on the right side click ADD PATH and a new window will pop up.
4. go to MY COMPUTER > WINDOWS/LOCAL DRIVE (C:) > PROGRAM FILES > G4BOX once g4box is highlighted click OK you will then return to the window with the add path button.
5. Once you have returned click apply and your anti-virus/firewall will let it run.
P.S. this is a guide for AVG but general all other anti-virus's should be the same.
if you cant find how to do this with your current ANTI-VIRUS then list it here and i'll download it and post step by step on how to let your CF through ^_^
1. Open your anti-virus and click TOOLS, on the sub menu of tools click ADVANCED SETTINGS.
2. a new window will pop up with names look for the one that says RESIDENT SHEILD it will have a + next to it click the + now on the sub menu it will have advanced settings and exceptions click EXCEPTIONS.
3. now once you click exceptions a box will appear in the middle with 5 buttons on the right side click ADD PATH and a new window will pop up.
4. go to MY COMPUTER > WINDOWS/LOCAL DRIVE (C:) > PROGRAM FILES > G4BOX once g4box is highlighted click OK you will then return to the window with the add path button.
5. Once you have returned click apply and your anti-virus/firewall will let it run.
P.S. this is a guide for AVG but general all other anti-virus's should be the same.
if you cant find how to do this with your current ANTI-VIRUS then list it here and i'll download it and post step by step on how to let your CF through ^_^
Add on to last part
i didnt have time to edit it to add this on so have to make a new post for it.
so for all those who are getting the win32/themida virus there it is most porbebly just a false positive i also had this scanned my computer everything is fine.
id sujest scanning your computer also just to make sure and if you cannot fix it then follow my guide and that will stop it from saying it is a virus and deleting it. evan if you just heal it, it will still come back saying it is a virus.
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