How to Search
No, this isn't a tutorial on how to click a button.
1. Go to Google.
2. Type in whatever you want to look for on the forums, then type in Examples below (don't use quotes around the whole thing, obviously)...
"new patch"
"scar light"
3. Press enter or click search.
4. Bingo. You're done.
The search function on the forum is useless so I thought I'd educate some of you people who are equally annoyed by it. You can search for specific phrases by quoting your keywords then typing in Just thought I'd mention that for anyone who was unsure.
Happy searching!
1. Go to Google.
2. Type in whatever you want to look for on the forums, then type in Examples below (don't use quotes around the whole thing, obviously)...
"new patch"
"scar light"
3. Press enter or click search.
4. Bingo. You're done.
The search function on the forum is useless so I thought I'd educate some of you people who are equally annoyed by it. You can search for specific phrases by quoting your keywords then typing in Just thought I'd mention that for anyone who was unsure.
Happy searching!
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