[G]OD[P]OWER'S Weapons Guide to Winchester!

Winchester Weapons Guide
I, personally, am a big fan of winchester (aka. failchester, losechester, joke gun, etc.) So here I am with the winchester guide and how to become decent at it.

Note*: This guide might be a bit bias since I favor this gun.
Weapon Info:
Winchester is a single bullet rifle with 12/36 magazine.
Because a lot of people spray & pray, and most of them don't find this gun "sprayable," it is widely disliked/hated.
The gun (Winchester).
Tremendous skill in aim.
Generally, this weapon does 90-ish damage to the body (excluding body armor). Thus, there is a high chance that you might get a kill, or get kill-stolen. I'd suggest using crosshair type C (the round one). You will need to have great practice in aim and must be fairly decent at one shotting. To practice, I'd suggest go to a public Egypt map and practice there with the winchester. To be successful as a new user to the gun, aim for the general body area. Most of the time this will kill the enemy since I assume that they will have been hit with a grenade shrapnel or some bullets.
In SnD, it is best that you stick with a "buddy."
Reason? Since a winchester does 90 damage usually, when you stick with a buddy they are able to shoot a couple rounds with their rifle and do some damage. Then, you come into action with your winchester and finish them off. This way, you'll gain some kills.
When you go face to face with a person (100 HP), it is not wise to use a winchester. If you miss with a winchester and there are no objects to hide behind, you're finished. You must not miss with this gun or else you are a goner. This weapon should not be used at far range and meant to be long range. Unlike some weapons or rifles, this particular weapon has drastic decrease in damage depending on where you hit and how far you are.
Ghost Mode
This is my personal favorite place to use the weapon. When a ghost is coming to you and they're pretty close, a rifle is not going to take them down due to the low damage and the little time you have. A winchester however, will knock them back or usually kill them. Then you don't have to worry about spraying to hit it because one hit and their usually dead. (If not, grab a pistol and shoot them down as their running away with extremely low hp.)

This is my first weapon guide so please critic me on what I lack here.
