black list overpowered



  • hey guys i have been seeing many advantageous things for black list but none for global risk.
    black list get : breath down , step down shovels , axes ,and know a new katana and kukri ( very long knives) . i just wanna know why dnt global risk get something special too ...
    global risks has guns..
  • Here is where the balances meet in a nice orderly fashion for you.

    -Global Risk has guns.
    -Black List Ghosts has cloaking to balance the use of guns.
    -Global Risk has pinpointing.
    -Black List Ghosts has Bunny Hop to make them invisible, silent and fast moving.
    -Global Risk has no counter for Bhop other than spray and luckily hit.
    -Black List Ghosts have in addition to knives, shovels and axes with increased 1 hit kills.
    -Global Risk...
    -Black List Ghosts also have Breath Down and Step Down in rush needed moments when not Bhopping.
    -Global Risk...
    -Both teams can have Body Armour and Protective Helms, but this overall benefits the Ghosts more than the Global Risk.

    So... Looking up... Doesn't seem the GR have it all that good. Because a good Ghost who can and has those, which are pretty easy to get, will easily be the death of at least half the team of GR.

    The only time GR usually wins is pub matches with poor bunny hoppers. Bout it. A serious GM clan would mop the floor as Ghosts with these clear distinct advantages.
  • Kelathe wrote: »
    Here is where the balances meet in a nice orderly fashion for you.

    -Global Risk has guns.
    -Black List Ghosts has cloaking to balance the use of guns.
    -Global Risk has pinpointing.
    -Black List Ghosts has Bunny Hop to make them invisible, silent and fast moving.
    -Global Risk has no counter for Bhop other than spray and luckily hit.
    -Black List Ghosts have in addition to knives, shovels and axes with increased 1 hit kills.
    -Global Risk...
    -Black List Ghosts also have Breath Down and Step Down in rush needed moments when not Bhopping.
    -Global Risk...
    -Both teams can have Body Armour and Protective Helms, but this overall benefits the Ghosts more than the Global Risk.

    I see a few things that are wrong with this list.
    - Breath down is pretty much necessary if you ever want to get close to a good GR, it's not an advantage so much as an item that tries to balance a disadvantage.
    - Armor benefits GR greatly when BL is using knives, and armor only helps BL when GR is using weak guns.
    - While BL gets axes and shovels, GR gets silenced weapons, the AK-Knife, and shotguns. Also if you're good with the awm you can snipe a ghost that has a shovel before you die because of the lag.
    - From what I've heard the breath doesn't follow the person when he bhops, but most of the time I can easily move away from the breath to get me a long enough distance that BL has to bhop again to get within killing distance, and if he's slow I might have already PP'd him by the time he moves again.
  • Only ghosts I've EVER had a problem with are the ones with a shovel + breath down + footstep down + being able to bhop, by today's standards in pubs this is all the "pros"(by BL) or "hackers"(by GR). I don't mind the shovel just fix it is all I ask. How long has it been since the shovel's release and it's still broken?..................................................Exactly.
  • SinDane wrote: »
    notice how some pros can get 30-5 or sumthing as gr in gm? maybe they just have skills and are not hacking :) if im using bose i can get that score, or near that :(

    Bl's can get a good score also here's mine
  • Nifus2 wrote: »
    I see a few things that are wrong with this list.
    - Breath down is pretty much necessary if you ever want to get close to a good GR, it's not an advantage so much as an item that tries to balance a disadvantage.
    - Armor benefits GR greatly when BL is using knives, and armor only helps BL when GR is using weak guns.
    - While BL gets axes and shovels, GR gets silenced weapons, the AK-Knife, and shotguns. Also if you're good with the awm you can snipe a ghost that has a shovel before you die because of the lag.
    - From what I've heard the breath doesn't follow the person when he bhops, but most of the time I can easily move away from the breath to get me a long enough distance that BL has to bhop again to get within killing distance, and if he's slow I might have already PP'd him by the time he moves again.

    -How is it a disadvantage when most don't even have headphones? If players even want to even the playing field as GR they gotta spend money just to hear the buggers in such a fashion. And believe it or not, not many even know about breath, just the footsteps.

    -Any good clan that wants to win easily will have an axe or shovel. In tourney's those accessories aren't allowed anyways. But both those weapons negate GR armour completely. Where as, the armour for the Ghost's, spray bullets, grenades or such allow them to live longer and get out of the way. Usually only direct gunfire ends a ghost with armour.

    -Silenced weapons only reduce the noise for your comrades. Doesn't help much in a room full of sprayers. Yes to see a full GR team with silent weapons. Only thing good about the aK Knife is... You guessed it, the Knife. Shotguns suffer the same as any other gun, don't know why people put them all on their own. Sniping in GM against pro bhopper's is suicide. Because the shovel lagg beats all, including bullet reg. Unlike the knife and axe. I use my DSR all the time in pub GM, its easy because hardly anyone there knows how to Bhop. But in CW's, sticking to my m4 unless the team truly sucks is my only bet on surviving a bit.

    -The thing is, I've seen people get from place to place, kill and move again without stopping. You won't hear em coming. A person with BD and a shovel that lands beside you, unless they are dumb and wait too long, generally your reaction time is not fast enough to notice and stop the swing and shovel lagg from killing you unless they miraculously miss.

    I don't know how many pub matches versus scrim's you've done, but there is a distinct difference.
  • here's an idea. ghost mode scks, go play actual crossfire? hmm... nope, you're still playing gm.
    so the unique mode to cf isn't part of actual cf? GG.
  • Kelathe wrote: »
    -How is it a disadvantage when most don't even have headphones? If players even want to even the playing field as GR they gotta spend money just to hear the buggers in such a fashion. And believe it or not, not many even know about breath, just the footsteps.

    -Any good clan that wants to win easily will have an axe or shovel. In tourney's those accessories aren't allowed anyways. But both those weapons negate GR armour completely. Where as, the armour for the Ghost's, spray bullets, grenades or such allow them to live longer and get out of the way. Usually only direct gunfire ends a ghost with armour.

    -Silenced weapons only reduce the noise for your comrades. Doesn't help much in a room full of sprayers. Yes to see a full GR team with silent weapons. Only thing good about the aK Knife is... You guessed it, the Knife. Shotguns suffer the same as any other gun, don't know why people put them all on their own. Sniping in GM against pro bhopper's is suicide. Because the shovel lagg beats all, including bullet reg. Unlike the knife and axe. I use my DSR all the time in pub GM, its easy because hardly anyone there knows how to Bhop. But in CW's, sticking to my m4 unless the team truly sucks is my only bet on surviving a bit.

    -The thing is, I've seen people get from place to place, kill and move again without stopping. You won't hear em coming. A person with BD and a shovel that lands beside you, unless they are dumb and wait too long, generally your reaction time is not fast enough to notice and stop the swing and shovel lagg from killing you unless they miraculously miss.

    I don't know how many pub matches versus scrim's you've done, but there is a distinct difference.
    What this guy said. QFT. I think GM is pretty darn well balanced with pro GR vs pro BL clan scrimmages!
    the disadvantage is that brs r on their team and then they use f11 as their weapon and its the deadliest one in the game
    I'd like to note that it used to be that the BRs were on the BL side back in the speedhack days...:D

    Getting a lot of kills in a pub is easy on either side unless the teams are completely unbalanced, but they never are in most of the servers I play in (Delta, B5, ect). Secondly, in clan matches to get a ton of kills isn't going to be as possible as one could in Pubs, there's more at stake in many ways. One doesn't have a bunch of n00bs or hackers or BR's or whatever just trying to do whatever on their own. You have teamwork in a clan match. The two are so completely different in so many ways. Pro GM clan scrimmages are on such a whole 'nother level then pubs it's not even funny or an exaggeration.
    Once you've done a few GM scrimmages you'll immediately notice a big difference if you're player legit, experience players no matter the side.
    Pubs are just there for experience boosting, getting some kills, having some fun, and seeing how many rooms you can get kicked out of before you have to jump on your second account and redo the whole process. It's a taste of GM. You have to have played both distinct types of matches before you can accurately judge whether one side is weighted or not in some way.
  • just to prove how each side can win, here we go:
    btw these are my clanmates pictures
  • BananaKMA wrote: »
    just to prove how each side can win, here we go:
    btw these are my clanmates pictures

    Notice this is PUB play. Much easier than scrims. I wouldn't mind seeing a real GM clan versus another play and post screenies.
  • Nifus2 wrote: »
    - Armor benefits GR greatly when BL is using knives, and armor only helps BL when GR is using weak guns.

    the only time this is true is with the helmet, making it so the bl have to stab and slash instead of stab, chest armor really has no effect against knives

    and axes are allowed in tourneys
  • Kelathe wrote: »
    Notice this is PUB play. Much easier than scrims. I wouldn't mind seeing a real GM clan versus another play and post screenies.
    I've been in a few. And I have screenies. But my current clan sadly isn't a real GM clan.:D
    Back when I was in Pro]-[unters (Now a part of GM All Stars), we beat GM Meth pretty good and a few others. :p
    But yea, I think BLinD_ (GM Meth) should have some screenies cause they did a big 8/8 clan scrim on Lab the other night and I believe they won.;)
    Another example would be when my current clan [An]archy did a 4v4 against GM All Stars, we took em down and out on BL and they took us out on their BL turn. Both kinda failed more or less at their respective GR turns.:cool:
    But yea, axes are allowed in tournies and all melee weapons are typically allowed in scrimmages.