map changes on santoria

ummmmmmmmmmmm seance the mini patch, the box used to jump onto containers in a site seems to be half there and half not.... u clip thru the top and and one side and most of it is invisible..... Id hate to thank that planting the bomb ontop of containers which is easY to reach would have been considered a glitch plant and thus an attempt to get rid of the crate (that the mapper obviously put there to reach the top of containers) was made and some how failed....
also, the plant spot at b was changed, im assuming because it must have been possible to drop bomb out of reach? i saw people try and nvr accomplish this... what ever that is fine by me..... HOW ever, i was planting and took map dmg...! i was facing the rocket, and was standing on the corner of the "door/side panel" that is laying on the floor, and started taken dmg as if i was in a dmg spot on the map. also i seemed to "slide" to the left... cant word it any better.. sorry.... again, i am assuming these changes to b site were done to prevent glitchers.... which is great... but now it is kinda buggy....

also, if the change at a site was done because of this.... WHY!!!! it was easy to get there and required no boosting and nothing more complicated then a crouch jump.... u could see it while coming thru window and coming down ramp, and u could reach it... i am assuming it was done cause people would Glitch plant between the containers from the top... would it not have been easier to fix that issue and not make it impossible to get up there at all
