m4gold changed......
WOW......... probably not a lot of people notice they didnt just change the outlook, but the change the functioning also. Before patch the gold m4 had less recoil than normal m4 now they made it the same. U can see it by shooting 2 guns at the wall and compare the bullet trails..................... Wut a shock, idk y they change it. No other CF has a m4gold like this after patch one................... Anyway I hope to get the one b4 patch, even if just functioning like that is ok
new golden m4 is SU(k
the new golden m4 is not only change the color, also its function is changed. it is just like a GP m4 with high recoil ,and even worse than GP m4. what z8 think about? if golden m4 be changed like this. no one will buy zp for have this gun. golden m4 is not like golden ak47,golden m4 is most people's dream. z8 change it like a GP m4,no one will spend money for this . we wana old golden m4 back,we do not careabout surface,just give the perfect function back. -
dragondagger wrote: »the new golden m4 is not only change the color, also its function is changed. it is just like a GP m4 with high recoil ,and even worse than GP m4. what z8 think about? if golden m4 be changed like this. no one will buy zp for have this gun. golden m4 is not like golden ak47,golden m4 is most people's dream. z8 change it like a GP m4,no one will spend money for this . we wana old golden m4 back,we do not careabout surface,just give the perfect function back.
i agree with this postnew skin is ugly
first is beter
what i think they should do is to merge both of the skins
- have golden stripes on the black foregrip -
i agree with rolley, when i first saw the new gold m4, i was thought "man they removed the stripes" the only part i liked about it =p. gold stripes, whether its full gold stripes or just an outline of stripes in gold on the black surface would look crazyyy.
but, i will also never have 100 coupons so yea, ak scope is all i want =p. and maybe kriss. and a lot of other things. bye.
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