Vote kick abuse !!!!!!! Lika noob

DAM all u noobs u press that vote kick on decent players u all just have the odasity to think u are the best and u cant be beat DAM TO HELL all u low lifes who kick a player cuz his score avreages a 24-8 or around there u noobs need to learn TO PLAY AND STOP KICKING ppl who play right its the stupidest thing ever the noobs own the game THE NOOBS! u waste ur time and try to get a good score and u do and ur IDIOTIC TEAM YOURS THE TRAITOR NOOBS WHO LISTEN and get provoked by the other team to boot your best player so they can win!! LOWWW! ITS NOT A FAIR GAME ANYMORE!!!!! when the vote kick is abused every second of every single game in every server and channel by some noob !!! sure there are hackers here and there!!!!!! and what they rather kick me than the hacker!!!!! this is retarted!!! when its obvious their team watches them look at wall then pop out on u from corner into a headshot!!! uhuh !!!! luck!!! my!!!! butt!!!!! i can spot a hacker a mile a way they suck so they have no skill and are super easy to spot!!!!!! WILL WE REALLY LET THE GAME GO TO THE NOOBS!!!!!!
