problems with the patch

please i need help,this happen a lot not always but a lot of times, im in a ghost game, imagine you playing there, you are shoting some ghosts, maybe ou are the ace and then all people stop moving, they are walking but in his own place, you can walk, you shot some bullets or only see what is happening?why all stop moving? suddenly you cant move too, your gun shakes like if you where shooting but no bullets out, you see the time still passing but you cant move and only walks, then you get out to the lobby, and if you exit cross fire the game says o wins 1 loses, but how? you even dont end the game?

that happens to me! and im tired of thet really, when that happens i turn to see my modem and i dont lose connection, wth happen? is like when you are in game and all the people got kiked, it says the servers are fulls, repairthat
