Improving Wave Mode - Making it Accessible and Enjoyable for Everyone

Improving Wave Mode - Making it Accessible and Enjoyable for Everyone

Suggestion :

Hello everyone,

I'm writing this suggestion regarding Wave Mode, which is undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable and challenging game modes in the game. However, the current requirement of six players to start a match is making it practically unplayable.

The Problem:

  • Excessive Wait Times: Players are experiencing excessively long wait times, often exceeding half an hour or more, to gather six players, making the mode inaccessible for most.
  • Deserted Mode: As a result, Wave Mode is frequently deserted, depriving players of the opportunity to experience this enjoyable mode.
  • Player Frustration: Players are frustrated by their inability to enjoy their preferred game mode.


  1. Reduce the Required Player Count:
    • I strongly suggest reducing the minimum number of players required to start a match.
    • Allowing matches to begin with just two or four players, with others joining during the game, would be a significant improvement.
  2. Implement an Automatic Join System:
    • Implement an automatic join system that allows players to join ongoing matches seamlessly.
    • This would reduce wait times and ensure that matches remain populated.
  3. Adjust Mode Difficulty:
    • Adjust the difficulty of the mode to match the amount of players in the game.
    • Increase the difficulty when more players join.
  4. Implement Additional Reward System:
    • Add an additional reward system to encourage players to participate in Wave Mode.
    • This could include bonus experience points, special prizes, or exclusive items.


  • Make Wave Mode accessible and enjoyable for a larger player base.
  • Reduce wait times and increase the number of available matches.
  • Improve player experience and increase player satisfaction.
  • Increase the popularity of Wave Mode.


I believe that implementing these suggestions will significantly improve Wave Mode and make it an enjoyable and accessible experience for everyone. I hope these suggestions will be considered and implemented as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration