Storage full 😫!

Hey Z8games GM team,
Hello Crossfire Community,

I would like to propose an expansion of the in-game storage capacity. While many players may not yet face storage limits, several members of my clan, including myself, have reached a point where we can no longer store or earn any additional weapons due to our storage being full. Despite deleting and removing as many items as possible, both the SAFE and general storage are completely maxed out. Currently, I have around 20-25 duplicate weapons, and I am hopeful for an exchange event or similar feature to help manage and free up storage space.

Expanding storage or introducing a way to trade or exchange duplicate items would greatly improve the experience for players in similar situations.

Note: SAFE is full, Expanded 3 times used, blackmaket storage 60+ weapons on hold, storage full.

Please let me know if you need any further information.
Thank you for considering this suggestion!

IGN: California
