Happy New Year: December 31st - January 1st

Attention Mercenaries

Finally, the New Year is almost near and we have something special for you all. During the final hour of December 31st until January 1stplay for 60 minutes to receive 5 Aureate Dragon Crates and a Grenade-Bubbly to add to your New Year excitement!

Also to keep the party on, we will have 200% EXP & GP during both days, all day long.
And if you are looking for more, you will get 2025% EXP & GP in the following times:

All times are in EST below:
4:50pm ~ 5:10pm
5:50pm ~ 6:10pm
6:50pm ~ 7:10pm
7:50pm ~ 8:10pm
8:50pm ~ 9:10pm
9:50pm ~ 10:10pm
10:50pm ~ 11:10pm
11:50pm ~ 12:10am
12:50am ~ 1:10am
1:50am ~ 2:10am
2:50am ~ 3:10am
Check your progress HERE

Happy New Year's to you all, mercenaries!
-CrossFire Team
