Let us have the Ak47 Scorpion Porcelain knife mode ability

edited August 2024 in Suggestions
The Ak47 Scorpion Porcelain gun was released on Lapis back in March 2023.
On the roadmap they advertised the gun with it's melee form.
When I won it, it doesn't even transform into it's melee form.

I submitted a ticket asking support if this was a bug and they said the devs intended it.
The Ak47 Scorpion Noble Gold variant, in our region cf west, does have a melee form despite both of these guns being a noble variant. Let us transform the porcelain variant into it's melee form too.

The advertised melee mode on the Roadmap back in March 2023

In-game screenshot of the Noble Gold variant in it's melee form. This is in CF West as of August 2024
