CrossFire Games 2024: Jul 26 to Aug 11

Attention Mercenaries,

The moment you've all been waiting for has arrived - the CrossFire Games 2024 are here!

From July 26th until August 11th, compete against qualified teams from around the globe in the ultimate showdown for glory and Gold Medals!

Not part of a team yet? No worries! You still have until August 6th to register and join the action. But choose wisely, as once you commit to a team, there's no turning back! For more details on Registration, click HERE.

This year's CrossFire Games will feature 20 thrilling challenges, each designed to test and showcase your unique skills. Each challenge has its specific timeframe for participation:
1. Fragging: Average kills on all modes/maps except Zombie Mode or Bots (July 26 - August 11)
2. Sweeping: Average wins on all modes/maps except except Zombie Modes or Bot Modes (July 26 - August 11)
3. Synchronized Spinning: Average count of ZP/GP crates opened (July 26 - August 11)
4. Metal Lifting: Average matches played on Rust Town - hard difficulty (July 26 - 31)
5. Sniping: Average sniper kills on all modes/maps except Zombie Modes or Bot Modes (July 26 - 31)
6. TDM Binging: Average kills on TDM maps (July 30 - August 1)
7. Surviving: Average wins on Elimination maps (July 30 - August 1
8. Headshot Trampoline: Average headshots on Orbital Station TDM (August 1 - 3)
9. Ghost Tracking: Average wins on Ghost and Shadow Modes (August 1 - 3)
10. Mutant Marathon: Average matches played on Mutation Modes (August 2 - 4)
11. Headshot Diving: Average headshots on Sub Assault TDM (August 2 - 4)
12. Soccer: Average goals scored on either Stadium maps (August 3 - 5)
13. Hammer Throwing: Average matches played on Knockout Mode (August 3 - 5)
14. Long Jumping: Average kills on Escape Mode (August 4 - 6)
15. Shooting: Average rifle kills (August 4 - 6)
16. Bot Hunting: Average kills on Bot Modes (August 6 - 8)
17. Fencing: Average melee kills (August 6 - 8)
18. Crate Lifting: Average count of ZP crates purchased (August 8 - 11)
19. Handball: Average grenade kills (August 8 - 1)
20. Blitzing: Average C4 detonating or defusing (not planting) (August 8 - 11)

Medals and Rewards:

Team Medals:

  • Top 3 countries with the highest average scores will receive Gold, Silver, and Bronze Team Medals.
  • Points: Gold = 5 points, Silver = 3 points, Bronze = 1 point

Player Medals:

  • Top 3 players with the highest scores will receive Gold, Silver, and Bronze Player Medals, regardless of their team.
  • Points: Gold = 3 points, Silver = 2 points, Bronze = 1 point

Team Rewards:

  • Gold Medal: 15 CF Games 2024 Crates + CF Games 2024 Gold namecard and spray (one time)
  • Silver Medal: 5 CF Games 2024 Crates + CF Games 2024 Silver namecard and spray (one time)
  • Bronze Medal: 1 CF Games 2024 Crate + 2 CF Games 2024 Bronze namecards and spray (one time)

Special Rewards:

  • Participants from each country that win at least one Gold Medal will receive the CrossFire Games 2024 Ribbon (minimum 2 hours of playtime required).

Top 100 Athletes:

  • Top 100 highest scores in each challenge: 20 CF Games 2024 Crates and Top Athlete CF Games 2024 Ribbon
  • Top 3 highest scores in each challenge:
    • 1st place: Tiny Tusker-Gatling Gun, Jumbo-COP.357, Jumbo-Beach Ball, Best Athlete Gold CF Games 2024 namecard and spray (one time)
    • 2nd place: Jumbo-COP.357, Jumbo-Beach Ball, Best Athlete Silver CF Games 2024 namecard and spray (one time)
    • 3rd place: Jumbo-Beach Ball, Best Athlete Bronze CF Games 2024 namecard and spray (one time)

Consolation Prizes:

  • Complete 2 hours of competition: 10 CF Games 2024 Crates.
  • Participate in at least 10 challenges: Jumbo-Beach Ball (30 days).
  • Participate in at least 15 challenges: Jumbo-COP.357 (30 days).
  • Participate in at least 20 challenges: Tiny Tusker-Gatling Gun (30 days).

Rules to Keep in Mind:

  • Players compete as part of the country they selected; scores are averaged per country.
  • Each challenge is a separate event; different countries can win each competition.
  • Some events overlap; progress in one competition may contribute to another.
  • Medals are assigned when a challenge ends; ranks update every 2-3 hours on the event page.
  • Ribbons are awarded if your selected country achieves at least one Gold Medal; they may take up to 48 hours to display.

Valid Contributions:

  • Complete the game; leaving will not count towards your country's total.
  • Play at least 2 minutes per game.
  • Get at least 3 kills.
  • Password-protected rooms do not count.
  • At least 3 non-bot players must be in the room.

Abuse Notice:

  • Players who abuse the event will be removed and disqualified from rewards and ribbons.

What are you waiting for? Check how you and your team are doing HERE.

For your personal progress, check the tracker HERE

See you at the CrossFire Games,
-CrossFire Team


  • Please look into this situation. Even Mods are farming. We grab him and now when we join any server we see a disconnection error. 
    Your mods are not trusted even. How can we win anything when it is happening? OK, now will you do anything about this mod or will you ban our accounts again? 

    Are you really open to criticism? Should we really trust you? Or are you just going to protect this guy because he's your friend?

  • a very fair eventTorch34 said:
    Wow what a fair event

  • I will copy-paste Kanadian answer from discord : 

    -Farming the event is allowed
    -Botting is not allowed
    -Having one guy on multiple accounts is allowed as long as he is manually keeping those accounts in-game, and is not using vmware or bot tools
    -That one guy farming with himself is allowed
    -Kick vote abuse is not a thing, if you get kicked from a room play in a different room

    So if you own 3 different PC's as long as you can play on all same time without any 3-rd party hardware or software - then is allowed ( is not that easy as it look anyway ).
    Gamer since 1997
  • Mutlu21
    edited August 2

    If this is true, then the admins really want to kill this game.

    For years you have banned people's accounts for farming. Even in this event, you banned people's accounts just for farming and they weren't using bots. Now you're just saying it's legal because your friends are farming.

    I've been playing CF since the beta and this isn't CF anymore. and do you really believe this guy isn't using a bot? legalizing someone who kills dead accounts by creating them.. What a shame.
  • Was not ( at least since i start play on 2010 ), farming was tolerated on CFWest ( while was not allowed on other version as CFEU ) as long as all players in room agree to farm and each one is behing his own keyboard.

    Players who was banned for farming most like was using something and/or other 3-rd party hardware or software, or the enemy team was using 3-rd party to stay idle ... etc.

    Gamer since 1997
  • How is farming not abusing the event is beyond common sense i guess... Fair event indeed... Is it unfair advantage? IT IS! True olympic spirit rofl  (not to mention that instead of replies comments are straight up being deleted) Farming (exp, kd, whatever) is one thing but farming an event in order to get advantage is shady. Change my mind.
  • [MOD]ShadowRo
    edited August 4
    Is all about team work and dedication - so get members from your team in same room do your best.

    P.S. Has nothing to do with "Olympics games" from real world - this is just online FPS game with own realm and rules.
    Gamer since 1997
  • So what's next? Boosting for real money is ok as well? There's also "teamwork" involved. 
    The game sure has fallen far...
    Theme is totally random and timed with OG just by coincidence lmao.
    Couldn't care less at this point, managed to get both ribbons legitimately unlike some.
  • Cristinel23
    edited August 7
       Some of the comments from this announcement have been deleted? Funny how the comments disappear when someone does not like the truth. I get it, truth is hard to handle sometimes. 

       In 2021 at the same event as this one me and some of my clan members got blocked for 30 days because we were farming with bots. Bare in mind that all the bots was live players with everyone present at their PC`s. I was not even farming with my main account. Just got blocked on some hints from some players which where envious on me. It did not matter how many support tickets I have sent to explain to the Team from Crossfire which is handling the support tickets that all the bots was live players present at the PC. They did not even care at all.

        So if farming is allowed now that means I should get back all the rewards back from 2020?

        This event is a joke as I saw lower tier players achieving more head shots than me on the Trampoline Map and the Sub Assault Map which obviously shows they was farming.

        All the events on this game should be only normal play and everyone how has been caught farming should be punished depends of the severity of his actions. Thank you.
  • Is all about team work and dedication - so get members from your team in same room do your best.

    P.S. Has nothing to do with "Olympics games" from real world - this is just online FPS game with own realm and rules.
    It's true. This is a realm with its own rules.
    But right now there is a system that doesn't even follow its rules.

    You say that farming is welcomed by the game, unlike other versions, but we know that's not entirely true. We're not new players. It wasn't like that before.

    I think the current situation is not nice and such situations are damaging the CF players, which is already decreasing daily.

    I think the management needs to be self-critical and understand the players.

    Good game to everyone.
  • Hey everyone,
    I have read over your concerns and wanted to sort a few things out - and let me be clear when I say this will be the final statement made on it, and is as transparent as I am allowed to be without giving away peoples account statuses.

    I have heard your concerns that you believe staff may be colluding with players or mods. Nothing could be further from the truth. The mods are informed as soon as they are offered a place on that team, that they are actually under HARDER rules than everyone else, because they are meant to represent what we want players to emulate. I have personally investigated the rumors of Muffin botting, and have found them to be false. He is indeed amongst multiple machines, all in one location, and is manually ensuring that they are not kicked. I have found 0 evidence of programs being used, or otherwise illicit goings-on.

    I have also heard the concerns that you believe we are suddenly changing the rules of what counts as botting towards a ban. Please understand when I say that the following two truths are written in stone, and have not changed in the 9 years that I have worked here:

    1. Farming is not against the rules
    2. Bot programs, and bot farming are against the rules

    Anyone who was reported for farming is investigated. Anyone reported for farming has been investigated. This will not change. Anyone found to be farming ILLEGALLY has been banned. This will not change. For those players that have been caught bot-farming during this event, they have been banned and their contribution towards the event removed. This is not an arbitrary line of 'I think they are botting because they play a lot' either. This is instead a case of "The players this person is farming with have made the same movements 87 times over the course of the game, without changing once. They are using a program to keep the farm going." (**Note: This is relating to no specific user and is just an example of some people caught in this event**)

    Additionally it is worth noting, that even if a player is directly at their PC when this is occurring, botting is still botting. No third party programs interacting on the game function is allowed. This means if you are botting while your face is directly planted to your screen, or botting while you go out to the mall, or botting while you take a ship to Jupiter, you are still doing things against the Terms of Use. 

    Lastly, I have heard concerns that 'when you join a mods room you have disconnection error'. Please be assured that our moderators do not have in-game powers. They are not able to kick, ban, mute, remove, or otherwise affect any account or status in game. They are given powers on the forum, and on Discord. Anything outside of those two regions, they are just a player like you. If you are having issue with disconnections from rooms, I urge you to please send a ticket for technical assistance.

    Now, with those cleared out of the way, I expect not to see any further discourse regarding the above - should it continue the topic may be locked from discussion entirely, and the accounts related may be accordingly punished.

  • Can't express how thankful I am with your statement/text Kanadian. I can say that I was one of the players that has been using laptop for any event this entire time (when there wasn't needed 3 or more players like the mercenary pass) and I have been aswell using my laptop for aiding and i've always been manually moving my touchpad and movement to ensure I dont get kicked.

    I kind of understand the frustration of many players towards events that has a leaderboard. People think that those who stay at the top with high numbers think that they are doing something illegal. In this case, knowing that farming is allowed, this event can be done the easy way (just like every other event by having 2 players in a room looking at each other or simply going to zm4 and playing solo for time). They think to themselves that it's an unfair advantage and start to accuse those players for illegal activities, which you already proved that this isn't the case. I can personally say that, I guess that's how life works. If you have more money, you can cheat your way into an easier life haha.

    With that being said, appreciate the clarification towards people being upset. That's just how it is.
  • nds888
    edited August 10
    I was rank 2 at Blitzing(more then 1000 points) and now I lose all progress can you help me? Also i lose some wins as well ....(no bots no 3-rd party no hardware no software  no VM )