ghost mode saving

ghost mode players cannot play this mode more ! since the update which allow to bunnyhop steps can be heared !   all of Gmers want ghost mode back like old but u not allow this and dosent care !at least make vote and u will see urself . all players want it to be removed and u allow it ! why ? we cant understand ! at least make vote and u will see !
#please Care 


  • yes, please GMs. Remove the bunny hop footstep sounds For Global Risk side 
  • 100% agree, The hop sounds are almost more confusing to GR than helpful.
    As BL its near impossible to win a 1v1 against any1 not using TV speakers. 

    Ever wondered why the NA/West version was the place to play GM at?
    (Cuz we were the only ones w/o the bhop sound, wich turned this gamemode into a very unique and competitive experience)
    I have not seen others version that had such an active GM community... This is long gone now.

    For the last 13 Years I've always been looking to come back around March, train, warmup for the upcoming Tournament. 

    I understand that the change is good for every other mode than GM, but this update borderline broke this modes unique feel.

    It baffles me how this "fix" happend after 15years.. while we still have old exlpoits, broken guns and many others things that would have actually required patching. 

    Please GM's consider coming up with a solution for us "old dogs" to enjoy this mode again, this would make alot of Veteran players happy - you know, the ones who stuck with this game for a good portion of their lives, the ones who didnt boycot even during the roughest times.
    ^Even if its just a GP shop item, like the Noisedown footstep, or the ShadowMode items - even tho this will still take away from competitive play (Bait steps,etc) but will be better than the state it is currently in.

    Thank you! 
  • It might help if the developers could hear directly from players like you about bringing back the old ghost mode or making changes through a vote.