Gun Owner Count
I remember in halloween like 2 years ago,when that spider grenade was added as a collection reward...then I went to the collections page to see how many players get that collection,and the #1 player to get it was look weird,it had many weapons that were yet to be added to the game,it could be a test account or something...I think it ign was 'squishrock' or something.
adigagever92 said:I remember in halloween like 2 years ago,when that spider grenade was added as a collection reward...then I went to the collections page to see how many players get that collection,and the #1 player to get it was look weird,it had many weapons that were yet to be added to the game,it could be a test account or something...I think it ign was 'squishrock' or something.
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If I'm not mistaken Squishyrock was a GM account lol
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