Ranked Season 26 Map Pool - Vote Now
Attention Mercenaries,
We invite you to participate in shaping the Ranked Search&Destroy map pool.
This brief poll is not mandatory but will help us gauge the popularity and preferences regarding maps.
You are allowed to select only one map in this poll. However, feel free to provide additional suggestions and reasons for your choices in the comments below.
Please note that not all Search&Destroy maps are included in this poll due to various reasons.
The poll will close on Monday, March 25, 2024, at approximately 6 pm EDT.
Thank you for your valuable participation!
It's really funny that subbase was removed and what's funnier that the map isn't in the maps list of being added again. Replacing subbase one of the main maps like port, BW, ankara, mexico that can't be replaced CFS maps (regardless that the GM will take another maps in the next season instead of our vote)
Stupid GM -
Please do not add Castle again, it is one of the worst map for beginners because when you are playing vs. a 3-5 player party, you will have no chance at all to make a difference. Tower and Mid Control are everything and you CANNOT hold that alone - for Mythical+ it is fine but you are actively destroying the gameplay of everyone who is playing solo in the lower leagues.
Default Night Market setup: 1 GR Sniper on B Site hardscoping towards stairs -> boring | 1 GR Sniper on A back site hardscoping towards A long -> boring | 1 BL Sniper on B Long sniping towards B/GR -> boring | 2-4 players wallbanging and spraying in mid -> chaos.
This is not fun. This is bad gameplay. -
I love Desert Storm, i always played it when it got originally released, but it is way to big for ranked. If you are playing Myth+ with a mate, the rotation times are too big to make an impact. I had to "search" for the last remaining enemy so many times, because they were shifting through the map and hiding. This map is really tiresome due to the massive amount of "idle" time.
so many russians here in comments that came from leironyt stream - pm me your discords,I looking for friends lul -.-'
in more serious note - there should be more,new,rewards in sd for stuff like honor points and master rank- I think those stuff haven't been updated for more than 3 years & and the leaderboard in zm should been reset on the next april maintance,most of those in the list have abused a crit bug,those who are fair/quilifed will find their way back to top.(also some of us are still wait for the mass ban on all the of the cheaters from seasons 1-3 , I had a prefect 14.100 score on the 2nd season,and for some reason I still was "rank 3000") -.-'
This discussion has been closed.
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