fix this broken game its 2024
why do i have to deal with client error in 2024.
didn't they had enough time to fix this game by now?
this game is a complete joke.
the amount of errors is insane.
I played ZM4 just 5min Ago,
Allspark throws his "chainsaw wheel" i get pulled into it and got a free flying lesson.
I played ZM4 just 5min Ago,
Allspark throws his "chainsaw wheel" i get pulled into it and got a free flying lesson.
And I got a client error, why?
is there something you wont get a client error in this game?
is there something you wont get a client error in this game?
rename this game into bugfire.
manticore runs into you = error
any other boss runs into you = error
teleport to special agent persona = error
i get punished for something that is part of the gameplay.
i m suprised the Black Market works without errors.
well not really.
room crashing still a thing will this ever be fixed?
In past i waited them for fix this game.
After they passed many years i m anot waiting anymore nothing.
Any new update more errors more dc s more problems.
1: ranked sd only cheaters and macros. impossible to level up. unfair at all
2: ranked zm only a.f.k players
3: no chance to win a good gun in crates and very hard to win anything
4: server crashes at randoms times see enemies ping spikes
5: ep shop and mp shop is useless and zp shop need zp so you must pay to win
I m not think continue playing anymore in this game not only from problems and bugs but game is very boring same events same ribbons. same farmers.
Apparantly not moving at all, is a much safer route "to play", just got client error on Mutant escape (treasure island) where you get pushed trough the water, well the waterfloow pusht me apparantly against the wall on the right side. another 30min wasted for nothing, no exp no gp gained.
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