5 suggestions to decrease the number of cheaters in CF
Hi everyone, I would like to suggest some ideas on decreasing the number of cheaters in CF and preventing new cheaters from even trying to ruin the game.
1. Implementation of HWID+IP ban for repeated violations. (or they just use a burner account to cheat and a main account to play legit)
2. Update CF anti-cheat on a more regular basis, there are like 3-4 vip hacks on the internet for CF-West and they claim that their products havent been detected for months. (some of them even for a year) The devs of CF anti-cheat could maybe buy and download these cheats and reverse engineer them so they would figure out, what are the vulnerabilities of the game's anti-cheat. From my point of view it would be very productive to continuosly check and monitor these new hack releases on the distribution sites.
3. Ban the hackers in waves, I would suggest to use soft-detection, the anti-cheat detects the hack, save the HWID and track the accounts that have been used with that HWID and after a few weeks just ban all the accounts affiliated with that HWID. This way these hack providers would lose paying customers, because their hack would get their paying customer's accounts banned, so they would't be able to advertise themselves as their hack hasn't been detected for months. This way less and less users would buy these illegal programs, so they wouldn't update their cheat anymore. (there wouldn't be enough demand to worth coding these cheats)
4. Permanently ban those accounts who has been reported with a replay and has been proved that the user was hacking.
5. Concentrate more assets on reviewing replays. Prioritize those submitted reports which came from people who has been correctly and successfully submitted 30-40+ reports (which resulted in ban), this way the staff would be able to review and ban more hackers in a shorter time. My guess is that many users don't know how to submit a hack report correctly, so they just waste the staff's precious time. (I am pretty sure that there are quite many users who report LEGIT players, because they are not able to differentiate between a LEGIT user and a HACKER).
Please comment on what do you guys think about my suggestions, this way it would draw more attention from the GMs and developers on this issue.
1. Implementation of HWID+IP ban for repeated violations. (or they just use a burner account to cheat and a main account to play legit)
2. Update CF anti-cheat on a more regular basis, there are like 3-4 vip hacks on the internet for CF-West and they claim that their products havent been detected for months. (some of them even for a year) The devs of CF anti-cheat could maybe buy and download these cheats and reverse engineer them so they would figure out, what are the vulnerabilities of the game's anti-cheat. From my point of view it would be very productive to continuosly check and monitor these new hack releases on the distribution sites.
3. Ban the hackers in waves, I would suggest to use soft-detection, the anti-cheat detects the hack, save the HWID and track the accounts that have been used with that HWID and after a few weeks just ban all the accounts affiliated with that HWID. This way these hack providers would lose paying customers, because their hack would get their paying customer's accounts banned, so they would't be able to advertise themselves as their hack hasn't been detected for months. This way less and less users would buy these illegal programs, so they wouldn't update their cheat anymore. (there wouldn't be enough demand to worth coding these cheats)
4. Permanently ban those accounts who has been reported with a replay and has been proved that the user was hacking.
5. Concentrate more assets on reviewing replays. Prioritize those submitted reports which came from people who has been correctly and successfully submitted 30-40+ reports (which resulted in ban), this way the staff would be able to review and ban more hackers in a shorter time. My guess is that many users don't know how to submit a hack report correctly, so they just waste the staff's precious time. (I am pretty sure that there are quite many users who report LEGIT players, because they are not able to differentiate between a LEGIT user and a HACKER).
Please comment on what do you guys think about my suggestions, this way it would draw more attention from the GMs and developers on this issue.
Sorry but HWID and IP bans have never worked in any game when it comes to cheating bans.. its pretty easy to poof ur hwid and just use a vpn..
we already have banwaves but people dont seem to think that.
we also already have a better anticheat then cfeu did... and dont come and say valorant anticheat is good when people are bypassing it on a daily basis lol....
this is legit only a west problem since bans take long unlike CFBR uses the same anticheat yet does not have a cheater problem this big like west..
You are right, we have banwaves, I got 15 new messages between 03.04-03.05, that a user I have reported got banned. Unfortunately they keep ruining ranked until they get banned. It's a never ending battle, but I still think that implementing these suggestions (like updating the reporting system like I suggested), would make a difference. I think that HWID ban would still be a barrier for the ones who are not so familiar with HWID spoofing and so on..
HWID bans still wont do much even if u would spoof since most cheats would just have a spoofer with the cheat there for its just a waste, valorant does HWID bans have a kernerl anti cheat like west but more aggressive yet they are facing cheaters on a daily basis people bypassing vanguard like its nothing..
When it comes to reports id day there is where most the issue is because you cant just ignore reports on a legit person if he would get alot even after being checked considering eventually that person can start cheating and will be ignored.
Limiting reports ingame is kinda dumb to 1 per 10 min or whatever it is atm ontop of that ur limited to 5 ticket reports per day dont think that should really exist. -
I have a friend who just got banned for 2 weeks for call someone "bot egy"
they really taking a game full of 98% muslims on it (a nation of savages where it normal for them to bang their niece and their president behead people for unsupportive feedback on facebook...and then they're telling them "you called someone 'bot',and you've just hurt this little player feelings,take thoese 2 weeks of ban to think about what you done")
are they really trying to bring their american h.omo s.exualism into the middle east ? lol u_u -
None of the ideas make any sense.
if u ticket report and the person is cheating he will get perma banned not a temp ban..
IP and HWID bans are dumb and dont work and can mess with internet cafe's if u do ip bans and hwid bans.
HWID bans are pointless when u can spoof hwid for free pretty much.
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